Since Sept. 2021:
Maître de conférences (lecturer) at Université Paris-Est Créteil, with teaching duties at EPISEN, and research activities with the LACL.
Oct. 2018 - Aug 2021:
Research Associate in University College London with David Pym, PPLV group.
Jan. 2017 - Sept. 2018:
Research Associate in University College London with Alexandra Silva, PPLV group.
Oct. - Dec. 2016:
Reseach Assistant in CNRS - ÉNS de Lyon with Damien Pous, Plume team.
Sept. 2013 - Sept. 2016:
PhD Student with Teaching duties in Université Lyon 1 with Damien Pous, Plume team.
Engineering track in ÉPISEN
coordinator of the students’ personal projects
coordinator of the students’ seminars
Master program in ÉPISEN
Computability and complexity (since 2022)
Engineering of information systems (since 2021)
Multidimensional databases (since 2021)
MEng/BSc Computer Science, University College London
Computability and Complexity Theory – problem classes (2017-2019)
Master program in ÉNS de Lyon
Semantics and Verification – exercises (2016)
Master program in UCB Lyon 1
Calculability and complexity – exercises (2014-2015)
Bachelor degree in UCB Lyon 1
Industrial Internship – reports (2014-2016)
Theory of formal languages – exercises & project (2013-2015)
Classical logic – exercises & project (2014-2015)
Numeric Algorithms – exercises (2013)
Algorithmics and Imperative programming – exercises & programming (2013-2014)
Journals : Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (Elsevier), International
Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (Springer), IEEE Transactions on Dependable and
Secure Computing, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.
2016, PhD in Computer Science (UCB Lyon 1 and ÉNS de Lyon)
thesis entitled “Relation Algebras, from algorithms to formal proofs”,
under the direction of Damien Pous.
2013, Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (Université Paris VII Diderot)
Logics, Semantics, Automata Theory, λ-calculus, Categories, Functional Programming.
Summa Cum Laude
2009, Licence d’Informatique (ÉNS de Cachan, antenne de Bretagne, Rennes)
Logics, Algorithmics and Computer Science Foundations.
2005, Baccalauréat Scientifique option Physique (Lycée Jean Prévost, Montivilliers)
Mathematics, Physics and Biology.
Summa Cum Laude
Research Internships
2013: Relation algebras, automata and regular expressions
in École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (Lyon) supervised by Damien Pous in the team Plume
2012: Categorical study of the exponential in Linear Logic
in University Paris VII Diderot (Paris) supervised by Paul-André Melliès
2011: Functional Minimalist Grammars
in University of Chicago (Chicago, IL) supervised by Gregory M. Kobele
2009: Relevance of linear logic for composing semantic representations in simply typed λ-calculus
in Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (Bordeaux) supervised by Christian Retoré and Lionel Clément in the team Signes
2008: Proof to help programming
in INRIA Saclay Île de France (Saclay) supervised by Sylvie Boldo in the team Proval
Scientific production
Journal papers
T. Kappé, P. Brunet, B. Luttik, A. Silva, and F. Zanasi, “Equivalence checking for weak bi-Kleene algebra,” Logical Methods in Computer Science, vol. 17, no. 3, 2021.
T. Kappé, P. Brunet, B. Luttik, A. Silva, and F. Zanasi, “On series-parallel pomset languages: Rationality, context-freeness and automata,” Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, vol. 103, pp. 130 - 153, 2019.
P. Brunet and D. Pous, “Petri Automata”, Logical Methods in Computer Science, vol. 13, no. 3, 2017.
P. Brunet and D. Pous, “Algorithms for Kleene algebra with converse”, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, vol. 85, no. 4, pp. 574–594, 2016.
Conference Papers
J. Brotherston, P. Brunet, N. Gorogiannis, and M. Kanovich, “A Compositional Deadlock Detector for Android Java,” in ASE, IEEE, 2021.
P. Brunet, “A Complete Axiomatisation of a Fragment of Language Algebra,” in CSL, LIPIcs, 2020.
J. Wagemaker, P. Brunet, S. Docherty, T. Kappé, J. Rot, and A. Silva, “Partially Observable Concurrent Kleene Algebra,” in CONCUR, LIPIcs, 2020.
P. Brunet and D. Pym, “Pomsets with Boxes: Protection, Separation, and Locality in Concurrent Kleene Algebra,” in FSCD, LIPIcs, 2020.
T. Kappé, P. Brunet, A. Silva, J. Wagemaker, and F. Zanasi, “Concurrent Kleene Algebra with Observations: From Hypotheses to Completeness,” FoSSaCS, Springer, 2020.
P. Brunet, “A complete axiomatisation of a fragment of language algebra,” in CSL, LIPIcs, 2020.
T. Kappé, P. Brunet, J. Rot, A. Silva, J. Wagemaker, and F. Zanasi, “Kleene Algebra with Observations,” in CONCUR, LIPIcs, 2019.
P. Brunet and A. Silva, “A Kleene theorem for nominal automata,” in ICALP, LIPIcs, 2019.
T. Kappé, P. Brunet, A. Silva, and F. Zanasi, “Concurrent Kleene Algebra: Free Model and Completeness,” in ESOP, Springer, 2018.
T. Kappé, P. Brunet, B. Luttik, A. Silva, and F. Zanasi, “Brzozowski goes concurrent - a Kleene theorem for pomset languages,” in CONCUR, LIPIcs, 2017.
P. Brunet, D. Pous, and G. Struth, “On decidability of concurrent Kleene algebra,” in CONCUR, LIPIcs, 2017.
P. Brunet, “Reversible Kleene lattices,” in MFCS, LIPIcs, 2017.
P. Brunet, D. Pous, and I. Stucke, “Cardinalities of Finite Relations in Coq,” in ITP, Springer, 2016.
P. Brunet and D. Pous, “A Formal Exploration of Nominal Kleene Algebra,” in MFCS, LIPIcs, 2016.
P. Brunet and D. Pous, “Decidability of Identity-free Relational Kleene Lattices,” in JFLA, 2015.
P. Brunet and D. Pous, “Petri Automata for Kleene Allegories,” in LICS, IEEE, 2015.
P. Brunet and D. Pous, “Kleene Algebra with Converse,” in RAMICS, Springer, 2014.
Talks without published proceedings
Observations and locality in distributed processes
March 2021, IRIS Day O’Science online – London
Recent developments in concurrent Kleene algebra
December 2021, seminar at LACL – Créteil
October 2021, JetBrains Research – St Petersburg (remote talk)
April 2021, ACADIE seminar at ENSEEIHT – Toulouse
April 2021, MAREL seminar at LIRMM – Montpellier
March 2021, LOVE seminar at LIPN – Paris
January 2021, LIRICA seminar at LIS – Marseille
December 2020, IRIS Day O’Science online – London
June 2020, PPS seminar at IRIF – Paris
Pomsets with boxes: towards Atomic CKA
September 2019, Highlights – Warsaw
Bracket Algebra
May 2019, PPLV Seminar - UCL – London
March 2019, IRIS Day O’Science – London
September 2018, Highlights – Berlin
Pomset languages and concurrent Kleene algebras
February 2018, Theory seminar - QMU – London
November 2017, Séminaire automates – Paris
The equational theory of algebras of languages
September 2017, Highlights – London
August 2017, BLAST – Nashville
May 2017, RAMiCS – Lyon
April 2017, PPLV Seminar - UCL – London
The equational theory of positive relation algebra
March 2017, Move seminar – Marseille
November 2016, PACE meeting – Shanghai
A Kleene theorem for Petri automata
September 2016, Highlights – Brussels
Algèbres de Kleene : entre sémantique des programmes et automatisation des mathématiques
May 2016, Inter’Actions en Mathématiques – Lyon
Petri automata for Kleene allegories
June 2015, Rapido meeting – Paris
April 2015, Midlands Graduate School – Sheffield
Decidability of identity-free Kleene lattices
November 2014, LAC meeting – Chambéry
Deciding Kleene algebra with converse is PSpace-complete