Functor UnionFind.Make

module Make: 
functor (Item : Item) ->
functor (Desc : Desc) -> S with type item = Item.t and type descriptor = Desc.descriptor and type accumulator = Desc.accumulator
Item : Item
Desc : Desc

type item 
type descriptor 
type accumulator 

A state consists of a partition of the items (or, in other words, of an equivalence relation over items), together with a total mapping of the partition blocks (or, in other words, of the equivalence classes) to descriptors.
type state 

In the initial state, each item forms its own block, and each block is mapped to the default descriptor.
val initial : state

representative maps each item to a representative member of its block.
val representative : item -> state -> item

equivalent tells whether two items are members of the same block.
val equivalent : item -> item -> state -> bool

descriptor maps (items to) blocks to descriptors.
val descriptor : item -> state -> descriptor

set changes the descriptor associated with a block.
val set : item ->
descriptor -> state -> state

union merges two blocks. The new block's descriptor is obtained as the union of the two original descriptors. Computing the union of two descriptors can have side effects, reflected via the accumulator monad.
val union : item ->
item ->
state ->
accumulator -> state * accumulator
val domain : state -> item list