Library LangAlg.graph
We define in this module 2-pointed labelled directed graphs, and
some operations on them.
Main definitions
An edge over vertices of type A and labels of type B is a triple, containing its source, its label, and its target.
A graph is a triple, with an input vertex, a list of edges,
and an output vertex.
We fix a set of labels.
Variable L : Set.
Definition input {A} (g : graph A L) : A := fst (fst g).
Definition output {A} (g : graph A L) : A := snd g.
Definition edges {A} (g : graph A L) : list edge := snd (fst g).
Hint Unfold input output edges.
Definition input {A} (g : graph A L) : A := fst (fst g).
Definition output {A} (g : graph A L) : A := snd g.
Definition edges {A} (g : graph A L) : list edge := snd (fst g).
Hint Unfold input output edges.
It is often useful to map a function to a list of edges,
applying it to the source and target of every edge (but not on their
Definition map {A B : Set} (f : A → B) l : list (@edge B L) := (fun (e : edge) ⇒ match e with (i,α,j) ⇒ (f i,α,f j) end) l. (fun (e : edge) ⇒ match e with (i,α,j) ⇒ (f i,α,f j) end) l.
This map satisfies the usual properties of maps.
Lemma map_id {A : Set} l : map (@id A) l = l.
Lemma in_map {A B : Set} (f : A → B) l i α j :
(i,α,j) ∈ (map f l) ↔ ∃ x y, (x,α,y) ∈ l ∧ f x = i ∧ f y = j.
Lemma map_map {A B C : Set} (g : B → C) (f : A → B) l :
map g (map f l) = map (g ∘ f) l.
Lemma map_app {A B : Set} (f : A → B) l m :
map f (l++m) = map f l ++ map f m.
Lemma in_map {A B : Set} (f : A → B) l i α j :
(i,α,j) ∈ (map f l) ↔ ∃ x y, (x,α,y) ∈ l ∧ f x = i ∧ f y = j.
Lemma map_map {A B C : Set} (g : B → C) (f : A → B) l :
map g (map f l) = map (g ∘ f) l.
Lemma map_app {A B : Set} (f : A → B) l m :
map f (l++m) = map f l ++ map f m.
graph_map applies a function on the vertices of a graph.
Definition graph_map {X Y: Set} (φ : X → Y) g : graph Y L :=
(φ (input g),map φ (edges g),φ (output g)).
Lemma input_graph_map {X Y: Set} (φ : X → Y) g :
input (graph_map φ g) = φ (input g).
Lemma output_graph_map {X Y: Set} (φ : X → Y) g :
output (graph_map φ g) = φ (output g).
Lemma edges_graph_map {X Y: Set} (φ : X → Y) g :
edges (graph_map φ g) = map φ (edges g).
Lemma graph_map_map {X Y Z : Set} (φ : X → Y) (ψ : Y → Z) g :
graph_map ψ (graph_map φ g) = graph_map (ψ ∘ φ) g.
Lemma graph_map_id {X: Set} (g : graph X L) :
graph_map id g = g.
(φ (input g),map φ (edges g),φ (output g)).
Lemma input_graph_map {X Y: Set} (φ : X → Y) g :
input (graph_map φ g) = φ (input g).
Lemma output_graph_map {X Y: Set} (φ : X → Y) g :
output (graph_map φ g) = φ (output g).
Lemma edges_graph_map {X Y: Set} (φ : X → Y) g :
edges (graph_map φ g) = map φ (edges g).
Lemma graph_map_map {X Y Z : Set} (φ : X → Y) (ψ : Y → Z) g :
graph_map ψ (graph_map φ g) = graph_map (ψ ∘ φ) g.
Lemma graph_map_id {X: Set} (g : graph X L) :
graph_map id g = g.
We can extract from a graph its list of vertices, by taking the
input vertex, the output vertex and every vertex appear either as
the source or the target of some edge.
Global Instance graph_vertices {A} : Support graph A L :=
fun g ⇒
(input g)::(output g)
::(flat_map (fun e ⇒ [fst (fst e);snd e]) (edges g)).
Lemma in_graph_vertices {A : Set} (i : A) (g : graph A L) :
i ∈ ⌊ g ⌋ ↔ input g=i ∨ output g=i
∨ (∃ α j, (i,α,j) ∈ (edges g))
∨ (∃ α j, (j,α,i) ∈ (edges g)).
Lemma edges_vertices {A : Set} i a j (g : graph A L) :
(i,a,j) ∈ edges g → i ∈ ⌊g⌋ ∧ j ∈ ⌊g⌋.
fun g ⇒
(input g)::(output g)
::(flat_map (fun e ⇒ [fst (fst e);snd e]) (edges g)).
Lemma in_graph_vertices {A : Set} (i : A) (g : graph A L) :
i ∈ ⌊ g ⌋ ↔ input g=i ∨ output g=i
∨ (∃ α j, (i,α,j) ∈ (edges g))
∨ (∃ α j, (j,α,i) ∈ (edges g)).
Lemma edges_vertices {A : Set} i a j (g : graph A L) :
(i,a,j) ∈ edges g → i ∈ ⌊g⌋ ∧ j ∈ ⌊g⌋.
Set of labels of a graph.
The set of labels is invariant under morphism.
If two functions φ and ψ coincide on the vertices of a graph
g, then the images of g by φ and ψ are equal.
Lemma graph_map_ext_in {X Y : Set} (φ ψ : X → Y) g :
(∀ x, x ∈ ⌊g⌋ → φ x = ψ x) → graph_map φ g = graph_map ψ g.
(∀ x, x ∈ ⌊g⌋ → φ x = ψ x) → graph_map φ g = graph_map ψ g.
Definition is_premorphism {X Y} A φ (g : graph X L) (h : graph Y L):=
∀ i α j, (i,α,j) ∈ (edges g) →
(α ∈ A ∧ φ i = φ j) ∨ (φ i,α,φ j) ∈ (edges h).
Notation " A ⊨ g -{ φ }⇀ h" := (is_premorphism A φ g h)
(at level 80).
∀ i α j, (i,α,j) ∈ (edges g) →
(α ∈ A ∧ φ i = φ j) ∨ (φ i,α,φ j) ∈ (edges h).
Notation " A ⊨ g -{ φ }⇀ h" := (is_premorphism A φ g h)
(at level 80).
If there is an A-premorphism from g to h, then the labels
of g are either labels of h or chosen from A.
Premorphisms are closed under composition.
Lemma is_premorphism_compose {X Y Z : Set} (φ1 : X → Y) (φ2 : Y → Z)
g1 g2 g3 (A B : list L) :
A ⊨ g1 -{φ1}⇀ g2 → B ⊨ g2 -{φ2}⇀ g3 → A++B ⊨ g1 -{φ2∘φ1}⇀ g3.
g1 g2 g3 (A B : list L) :
A ⊨ g1 -{φ1}⇀ g2 → B ⊨ g2 -{φ2}⇀ g3 → A++B ⊨ g1 -{φ2∘φ1}⇀ g3.
Lemma is_premorphism_incl {X Y : Set} A B g h (φ : X → Y) :
A ⊆ B → A ⊨ g -{ φ }⇀ h → B ⊨ g -{ φ }⇀ h.
A ⊆ B → A ⊨ g -{ φ }⇀ h → B ⊨ g -{ φ }⇀ h.
Lemma is_premorphism_compose_weak {X Y Z : Set} φ1 φ2
(g1 : graph X L) (g2: graph Y L) (g3: graph Z L) A :
A ⊨ g1 -{φ1}⇀ g2 → A ⊨ g2 -{φ2}⇀ g3 → A ⊨ g1 -{φ2∘φ1}⇀ g3.
(g1 : graph X L) (g2: graph Y L) (g3: graph Z L) A :
A ⊨ g1 -{φ1}⇀ g2 → A ⊨ g2 -{φ2}⇀ g3 → A ⊨ g1 -{φ2∘φ1}⇀ g3.
We we choose A to be the empty list, then the third condition
can be reformulated as the containment of map φ (edges g) inside
edges h.
Lemma proper_morphism_diff {X Y : Set} (φ : X → Y) g h :
[] ⊨ g -{φ}⇀ h ↔ (map φ (edges g)) ⊆ (edges h).
[] ⊨ g -{φ}⇀ h ↔ (map φ (edges g)) ⊆ (edges h).
Definition is_morphism {X Y} A φ (g : graph X L) (h : graph Y L) :=
φ (input g) = input h ∧ φ (output g) = output h
∧ A ⊨ g -{φ}⇀ h ∧ internal_map φ g h.
Notation " A ⊨ g -{ φ }→ h " := (is_morphism A φ g h) (at level 80).
φ (input g) = input h ∧ φ (output g) = output h
∧ A ⊨ g -{φ}⇀ h ∧ internal_map φ g h.
Notation " A ⊨ g -{ φ }→ h " := (is_morphism A φ g h) (at level 80).
Because a morphism is in particular a premorphism, we have the
same containment between sets of labels.
The identity is an ø-morphism from g to itself.
We can compose morphisms.
Lemma is_morphism_compose {X Y Z} φ1 φ2
(g1 : graph X L) (g2: graph Y L) (g3: graph Z L) A B :
A ⊨ g1 -{φ1}→ g2 → B ⊨ g2 -{φ2}→ g3 → A++B ⊨ g1 -{φ2∘φ1}→ g3.
(g1 : graph X L) (g2: graph Y L) (g3: graph Z L) A B :
A ⊨ g1 -{φ1}→ g2 → B ⊨ g2 -{φ2}→ g3 → A++B ⊨ g1 -{φ2∘φ1}→ g3.
We can compose A-morphisms. With the lemmas is_morphism_id
and is_morphism_incl, this means that graphs and A-morphisms
form a category.
Lemma is_morphism_compose_weak {X Y Z} φ1 φ2
(g1 : graph X L) (g2: graph Y L) (g3: graph Z L) A :
A ⊨ g1 -{φ1}→ g2 → A ⊨ g2 -{φ2}→ g3 → A ⊨ g1 -{φ2∘φ1}→ g3.
(g1 : graph X L) (g2: graph Y L) (g3: graph Z L) A :
A ⊨ g1 -{φ1}→ g2 → A ⊨ g2 -{φ2}→ g3 → A ⊨ g1 -{φ2∘φ1}→ g3.
We can use A-morphisms to define a preorder on graphs.
Definition hom_order {V} A (g h : graph V L) := ∃ φ, A ⊨ h -{φ}→ g.
Notation " A ⊨ g ⊲ h " := (hom_order A g h) (at level 80).
Global Instance hom_order_PreOrder {V:Set} A :
PreOrder (@hom_order V A).
Notation " A ⊨ g ⊲ h " := (hom_order A g h) (at level 80).
Global Instance hom_order_PreOrder {V:Set} A :
PreOrder (@hom_order V A).
Containment between sets of labels.
If two functions coincide on the vertices of a graph g, then
one is an A-morphism from g to h if and only if the other
Lemma morphism_ext_vertices {X Y: Set} (φ ψ : X → Y) A g h :
(∀ i, i ∈ ⌊ g ⌋ → φ i = ψ i) → A ⊨ g -{φ}→ h ↔ A ⊨ g -{ψ}→ h.
(∀ i, i ∈ ⌊ g ⌋ → φ i = ψ i) → A ⊨ g -{φ}→ h ↔ A ⊨ g -{ψ}→ h.
if ψ is the inverse of φ on the vertices of g, then ψ
is an ø-morphism from the image of g by φ to g.
Lemma inverse_graph_map_morphism {X Y : Set} g (φ : X → Y) ψ :
inverse φ ψ ⌊g⌋ → [] ⊨ (graph_map φ g) -{ψ}→ g.
inverse φ ψ ⌊g⌋ → [] ⊨ (graph_map φ g) -{ψ}→ g.
We define the path ordering on a graph.
Inductive path {V}(g : graph V L) : V → V → Prop :=
| path_re i : path g i i
| path_trans j i k : path g i j → path g j k → path g i k
| path_edge i j α : (i,α,j) ∈ (edges g) → path g i j.
Notation " u -[ G ]→ v " := (path G u v) (at level 80).
| path_re i : path g i i
| path_trans j i k : path g i j → path g j k → path g i k
| path_edge i j α : (i,α,j) ∈ (edges g) → path g i j.
Notation " u -[ G ]→ v " := (path G u v) (at level 80).
This is a preorder.
Lemma morphism_is_order_preserving {V1 V2 : Set} A (φ :V1 → V2) g h:
A ⊨ g -{φ}⇀ h → ∀ i j, i -[g]→j → φ i -[h]→ φ j.
A ⊨ g -{φ}⇀ h → ∀ i j, i -[g]→j → φ i -[h]→ φ j.
Lemma graph_map_path {X Y : Set} (φ : X → Y) (g : graph X L) x y :
x -[g]→ y → φ x -[graph_map φ g]→ φ y.
x -[g]→ y → φ x -[graph_map φ g]→ φ y.
The reachability order is non-trivial only between vertices.
Equivalently, if i and j are different elements such that
one is reachable from the other, then i is a vertex (and by
symmetry, so is j.
A third equivalent formulation of the same lemma.
If ψ is the inverse of φ and y is reachable from x in
the image of g by φ, then ψ y was reachable from ψ x in
Lemma injective_graph_map_path {X Y : Set} (φ : X → Y) ψ g x y :
inverse φ ψ ⌊g⌋ → x -[graph_map φ g]→ y → ψ x -[g]→ ψ y.
inverse φ ψ ⌊g⌋ → x -[graph_map φ g]→ y → ψ x -[g]→ ψ y.
The relation hom_eq relates two graphs if there is a pair
of ø-morphisms, going both directions between the two graphs. Note
that despite the name, it does not mean the two graphs are
isomorphic: indeed this pair of morphisms need not be inverses.
Definition hom_eq {X : Set} (g h : graph X L) :=
([] ⊨ g ⊲ h) ∧ ([] ⊨ h ⊲ g).
Infix "⋈" := hom_eq (at level 80).
([] ⊨ g ⊲ h) ∧ ([] ⊨ h ⊲ g).
Infix "⋈" := hom_eq (at level 80).
It is an equivalence relation.
Equivalence of sets of labels.
We call a graph connected when any node is reachable from its
input and co-reachable from the output.
If g and h are isomorphic (i.e. there are ø-morphisms from
g to h and h to g that are inverses) then if one of then is
connected so is the other.
Lemma injective_morphism_connected {X Y:Set} g h
(φ : X → Y) (ψ : Y → X) :
inverse φ ψ ⌊g⌋ → inverse ψ φ ⌊h⌋ →
[] ⊨ g -{φ}→ h → [] ⊨ h-{ψ}→g → connected g → connected h.
(φ : X → Y) (ψ : Y → X) :
inverse φ ψ ⌊g⌋ → inverse ψ φ ⌊h⌋ →
[] ⊨ g -{φ}→ h → [] ⊨ h-{ψ}→g → connected g → connected h.
Lemma graph_map_injective_connected {X Y: Set} (φ : X → Y) g:
injective φ ⌊g⌋ → connected g → connected (graph_map φ g).
injective φ ⌊g⌋ → connected g → connected (graph_map φ g).
The union of two graphs is a graph such that:
The union of g and h is written g⋄h.
- its input is the input of the first graph;
- its output is that of the second graph;
- its edges or the union of the edges of both graphs.
Definition graph_union {X} (g h : graph X L) : graph X L :=
(input g,edges g++edges h,output h).
Infix " ⋄ " := graph_union (at level 40).
Lemma input_graph_union {X} (g h : graph X L):
input (g ⋄ h) = input g.
Lemma output_graph_union {X} (g h : graph X L):
output (g ⋄ h) = output h.
Lemma edges_graph_union {X} (g h : graph X L):
edges (g ⋄ h) = edges g ++ edges h.
(input g,edges g++edges h,output h).
Infix " ⋄ " := graph_union (at level 40).
Lemma input_graph_union {X} (g h : graph X L):
input (g ⋄ h) = input g.
Lemma output_graph_union {X} (g h : graph X L):
output (g ⋄ h) = output h.
Lemma edges_graph_union {X} (g h : graph X L):
edges (g ⋄ h) = edges g ++ edges h.
The vertices of g⋄h are contained in the union of the vertices
of g and those of h. In general this inclusion is strict,
as the output of g and the input of h might be missing.
⋄ commutes with graph_map.
Lemma graph_map_union {V Y : Set} (φ : V → Y) (g h : graph V L) :
graph_map φ (g ⋄ h) = (graph_map φ g) ⋄ (graph_map φ h).
graph_map φ (g ⋄ h) = (graph_map φ g) ⋄ (graph_map φ h).
⋄ is associative.
If the output of g is the input of h, and if this node is the
only vertex appearing in both graphs, then g ⋄ h is the sequential
product of g and h.
Definition good_for_seq {X} (g h : graph X L) :=
output g = input h ∧ (∀ x, x ∈ ⌊g⌋ → x ∈ ⌊h⌋ → x = input h).
output g = input h ∧ (∀ x, x ∈ ⌊g⌋ → x ∈ ⌊h⌋ → x = input h).
Lemma seq_graph_union_decomp {X} (g h : graph X L):
good_for_seq g h →
id (input g) = input (g ⋄ h)
∧ id (input h) = output g
∧ [] ⊨ g -{id}⇀ (g ⋄ h)
∧ [] ⊨ h -{id}⇀ (g ⋄ h).
good_for_seq g h →
id (input g) = input (g ⋄ h)
∧ id (input h) = output g
∧ [] ⊨ g -{id}⇀ (g ⋄ h)
∧ [] ⊨ h -{id}⇀ (g ⋄ h).
If g is connected, then the set vertices of the sequential
product of g and h is the union of the vertices of g and
those of h.
Lemma seq_vertices_connected_graph_union {X} (g h : graph X L) :
connected g → good_for_seq g h → ⌊g ⋄ h⌋ ≈⌊g⌋++⌊h⌋.
connected g → good_for_seq g h → ⌊g ⋄ h⌋ ≈⌊g⌋++⌊h⌋.
Lemma seq_graph_union_connected {X} (g h : graph X L) :
good_for_seq g h → connected g → connected h → connected (g ⋄ h).
good_for_seq g h → connected g → connected h → connected (g ⋄ h).
If g and h share the same input, the same output, and
otherwise have distinct vertices then g⋄h is their parallel
Definition good_for_par {X} (g h : graph X L) :=
input g = input h
∧ output g = output h
∧ (∀ x, x ∈ ⌊g⌋ → x ∈ ⌊h⌋ → x = input h ∨ x = output h).
input g = input h
∧ output g = output h
∧ (∀ x, x ∈ ⌊g⌋ → x ∈ ⌊h⌋ → x = input h ∨ x = output h).
The vertices of the parallel product is the union of the
Lemma par_graph_union_decomp {X : Set} (g h : graph X L) :
good_for_par g h → [] ⊨ g -{id}→ (g ⋄ h) ∧ [] ⊨ h -{id}→ (g ⋄ h).
Lemma par_graph_union_decomp_left {X : Set} (g h : graph X L) :
good_for_par g h → [] ⊨ g -{id}→ (g ⋄ h).
Lemma par_graph_union_decomp_right {X : Set} (g h : graph X L) :
good_for_par g h → [] ⊨ h -{id}→ (g ⋄ h).
good_for_par g h → [] ⊨ g -{id}→ (g ⋄ h) ∧ [] ⊨ h -{id}→ (g ⋄ h).
Lemma par_graph_union_decomp_left {X : Set} (g h : graph X L) :
good_for_par g h → [] ⊨ g -{id}→ (g ⋄ h).
Lemma par_graph_union_decomp_right {X : Set} (g h : graph X L) :
good_for_par g h → [] ⊨ h -{id}→ (g ⋄ h).
The parallel product of two connected graphs is connected.
Lemma par_graph_union_connected {X : Set} (g h : graph X L) :
good_for_par g h → connected g → connected h → connected (g ⋄ h).
good_for_par g h → connected g → connected h → connected (g ⋄ h).
A graph is acyclic if its reachability relation is a partial
We call a graph good if it is both connected and acyclic.
The image of an acyclic graph by an injective function is
Lemma graph_map_injective_acyclic {X Y : Set} (φ : X → Y) g :
injective φ ⌊g⌋ → acyclic g → acyclic (graph_map φ g).
injective φ ⌊g⌋ → acyclic g → acyclic (graph_map φ g).
The image of a good graph by an injective function is good.
Lemma graph_map_injective_good {X Y : Set} (φ : X → Y) g :
injective φ ⌊g⌋ → good g → good (graph_map φ g).
injective φ ⌊g⌋ → good g → good (graph_map φ g).
We may filter a graph according to two boolean predicates.
Definition filter_graph {A} fs ft (g : graph A L) : graph A L:=
(input g,filter (fun e ⇒ match e with
| (i,a,j) ⇒ fs i || ft j
end) (edges g),
output g).
Lemma input_filter_graph {A : Set} (fs ft : A → bool) (g : graph A L) :
input (filter_graph fs ft g) = input g.
Lemma output_filter_graph {A : Set} (fs ft : A → bool) (g : graph A L) :
output (filter_graph fs ft g) = output g.
Lemma edges_filter_graph {A : Set} (fs ft : A → bool) (g : graph A L) :
edges (filter_graph fs ft g) =
filter (fun e ⇒ match e with
| (i,a,j) ⇒ fs i || ft j
end) (edges g).
(input g,filter (fun e ⇒ match e with
| (i,a,j) ⇒ fs i || ft j
end) (edges g),
output g).
Lemma input_filter_graph {A : Set} (fs ft : A → bool) (g : graph A L) :
input (filter_graph fs ft g) = input g.
Lemma output_filter_graph {A : Set} (fs ft : A → bool) (g : graph A L) :
output (filter_graph fs ft g) = output g.
Lemma edges_filter_graph {A : Set} (fs ft : A → bool) (g : graph A L) :
edges (filter_graph fs ft g) =
filter (fun e ⇒ match e with
| (i,a,j) ⇒ fs i || ft j
end) (edges g).
We may lift paths in the filtered graph to the original graph.
Lemma filter_graph_path {A : Set} (fs ft : A → bool) g i j:
i -[ filter_graph fs ft g ]→ j → i -[g]→ j.
i -[ filter_graph fs ft g ]→ j → i -[g]→ j.
If every vertex satisfies the predicate, then filtering doesn't
change the graph.
Lemma filter_graph_true {A : Set} (fs ft : A → bool) g :
(∀ i, i ∈ ⌊g⌋ → fs i && ft i = true) → filter_graph fs ft g = g.
(∀ i, i ∈ ⌊g⌋ → fs i && ft i = true) → filter_graph fs ft g = g.
filter_graph commutes with graph_union.
Lemma filter_graph_union {A : Set} (fs ft : A → bool) g h :
filter_graph fs ft (g⋄h) =
filter_graph fs ft g ⋄ filter_graph fs ft h.
filter_graph fs ft (g⋄h) =
filter_graph fs ft g ⋄ filter_graph fs ft h.
filter_graph commutes with graph_map.
Lemma filter_graph_map {A B : Set} (fs ft : A → bool) (φ : B → A) g :
filter_graph fs ft (graph_map φ g)
= graph_map φ (filter_graph (fs∘φ) (ft∘φ) g).
End g.
filter_graph fs ft (graph_map φ g)
= graph_map φ (filter_graph (fs∘φ) (ft∘φ) g).
End g.
Section dec_g.
Variables vert lbl : Set.
Variable V : decidable_set vert.
Variable L : decidable_set lbl.
Variables vert lbl : Set.
Variable V : decidable_set vert.
Variable L : decidable_set lbl.
In this case the edges form a decidable set.
If φ1 is an internal map from g1 to h1 and φ2 is an
internal map from g2 to h2, then φ1⧼⌊g1⌋⧽φ2 is internal
between g1⋄g2 and parallel product of h1 and h2.
Lemma par_internal_graph_union {X} (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl)
(h1 h2 : graph X lbl) φ1 φ2 :
good_for_par h1 h2 → internal_map φ1 g1 h1 → internal_map φ2 g2 h2 →
internal_map (φ1 ⧼⌊g1⌋⧽ φ2) (g1 ⋄ g2) (h1 ⋄ h2).
(h1 h2 : graph X lbl) φ1 φ2 :
good_for_par h1 h2 → internal_map φ1 g1 h1 → internal_map φ2 g2 h2 →
internal_map (φ1 ⧼⌊g1⌋⧽ φ2) (g1 ⋄ g2) (h1 ⋄ h2).
For the sequential product, we additionally need that h1 to be
Lemma seq_internal_graph_union {X} (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl)
(h1 h2 : graph X lbl) φ1 φ2 :
connected h1 →
good_for_seq h1 h2 →
internal_map φ1 g1 h1 →
internal_map φ2 g2 h2 →
internal_map (φ1⧼⌊g1⌋⧽φ2) (g1 ⋄ g2) (h1 ⋄ h2).
(h1 h2 : graph X lbl) φ1 φ2 :
connected h1 →
good_for_seq h1 h2 →
internal_map φ1 g1 h1 →
internal_map φ2 g2 h2 →
internal_map (φ1⧼⌊g1⌋⧽φ2) (g1 ⋄ g2) (h1 ⋄ h2).
We can combine a morphism from g1 to h1 and a morphism from
g2 to h2 as a morphism from the sequential product of g1 and
g2 to the sequential product of h1 and h2.
Lemma seq_morphism_graph_union {X}
(g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) (h1 h2 : graph X lbl) φ1 φ2 A :
connected h1 →
good_for_seq g1 g2 →
good_for_seq h1 h2 →
A ⊨ g1 -{φ1}→ h1 →
A ⊨ g2 -{φ2}→ h2 →
A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 -{φ1⧼⌊g1⌋⧽φ2}→ h1 ⋄ h2.
(g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) (h1 h2 : graph X lbl) φ1 φ2 A :
connected h1 →
good_for_seq g1 g2 →
good_for_seq h1 h2 →
A ⊨ g1 -{φ1}→ h1 →
A ⊨ g2 -{φ2}→ h2 →
A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 -{φ1⧼⌊g1⌋⧽φ2}→ h1 ⋄ h2.
We can combine a morphism from g1 to h and a morphism from
g2 to h as a morphism from the parallel product of g1 and
g2 to h.
Lemma par_morphism_graph_union {X}
(g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) (h : graph X lbl) φ1 φ2 A :
good_for_par g1 g2 →
A ⊨ g1 -{φ1}→ h →
A ⊨ g2 -{φ2}→ h →
A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 -{φ1⧼⌊g1⌋⧽φ2}→ h.
(g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) (h : graph X lbl) φ1 φ2 A :
good_for_par g1 g2 →
A ⊨ g1 -{φ1}→ h →
A ⊨ g2 -{φ2}→ h →
A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 -{φ1⧼⌊g1⌋⧽φ2}→ h.
We can combine a morphism from g1 to h1 and a morphism from
g2 to h2 as a morphism from the parallel product of g1 and
g2 to the parallel product of h1 and h2.
Lemma par_par_morphism_graph_union {X}
(g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) (h1 h2 : graph X lbl) φ1 φ2 A :
good_for_par g1 g2 →
good_for_par h1 h2 →
A ⊨ g1 -{φ1}→ h1 →
A ⊨ g2 -{φ2}→ h2 →
A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 -{φ1⧼⌊g1⌋⧽φ2}→ h1 ⋄ h2.
(g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) (h1 h2 : graph X lbl) φ1 φ2 A :
good_for_par g1 g2 →
good_for_par h1 h2 →
A ⊨ g1 -{φ1}→ h1 →
A ⊨ g2 -{φ2}→ h2 →
A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 -{φ1⧼⌊g1⌋⧽φ2}→ h1 ⋄ h2.
The parallel product is smaller than both its arguments.
Lemma par_hom_order_weak_left (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) A :
good_for_par g1 g2 → A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 ⊲ g1.
Lemma par_hom_order_weak_right (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) A :
good_for_par g1 g2 → A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 ⊲ g2.
good_for_par g1 g2 → A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 ⊲ g1.
Lemma par_hom_order_weak_right (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) A :
good_for_par g1 g2 → A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 ⊲ g2.
Lemma par_smaller_hom_order (g1 g2 h : graph vert lbl) A :
good_for_par g1 g2 → A ⊨ h ⊲ g1 → A ⊨ h ⊲ g2 → A ⊨ h ⊲ g1 ⋄ g2.
good_for_par g1 g2 → A ⊨ h ⊲ g1 → A ⊨ h ⊲ g2 → A ⊨ h ⊲ g1 ⋄ g2.
If the parallel product of g1 and g2 is greater than a graph
h, then both g1 and g2 are greater than h.
Lemma smaller_par_hom_order (g1 g2 h : graph vert lbl) A :
good_for_par g1 g2 → A ⊨ h ⊲ g1 ⋄ g2 → A ⊨ h ⊲ g1 ∧ A ⊨ h ⊲ g2.
good_for_par g1 g2 → A ⊨ h ⊲ g1 ⋄ g2 → A ⊨ h ⊲ g1 ∧ A ⊨ h ⊲ g2.
The next two lemma state that the homomorphism order on graphs
is a congruence for the parallel and sequential products.
Lemma seq_hom_order (g1 g2 h1 h2 : graph vert lbl) A :
connected g1 → good_for_seq g1 g2 → good_for_seq h1 h2 →
A ⊨ g1 ⊲ h1 → A ⊨ g2 ⊲ h2 → A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 ⊲ h1 ⋄ h2.
Lemma par_hom_order (g1 g2 h1 h2 : graph vert lbl) A :
good_for_par g1 g2 → good_for_par h1 h2 →
A ⊨ g1 ⊲ h1 → A ⊨ g2 ⊲ h2 → A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 ⊲ h1 ⋄ h2.
connected g1 → good_for_seq g1 g2 → good_for_seq h1 h2 →
A ⊨ g1 ⊲ h1 → A ⊨ g2 ⊲ h2 → A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 ⊲ h1 ⋄ h2.
Lemma par_hom_order (g1 g2 h1 h2 : graph vert lbl) A :
good_for_par g1 g2 → good_for_par h1 h2 →
A ⊨ g1 ⊲ h1 → A ⊨ g2 ⊲ h2 → A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 ⊲ h1 ⋄ h2.
If φ is a morphism from the sequential product of g1 and
g2 to h, then it is a premorphism from both g1 and g2 to
Lemma seq_morphism_graph_union_left {X} (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl)
(h : graph X lbl) φ A :
good_for_seq g1 g2 → A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 -{φ}→ h →
A ⊨ g1 -{φ}⇀ h
∧ A ⊨ g2 -{φ}⇀ h
∧ φ (input g1) = input h
∧ φ (output g2) = output h.
(h : graph X lbl) φ A :
good_for_seq g1 g2 → A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 -{φ}→ h →
A ⊨ g1 -{φ}⇀ h
∧ A ⊨ g2 -{φ}⇀ h
∧ φ (input g1) = input h
∧ φ (output g2) = output h.
If φ is a morphism from the parallel product of g1 and g2
to h, then it is a morphism from both g1 and g2 to h.
Lemma par_morphism_graph_union_left {X} (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl)
(h : graph X lbl) φ A :
good_for_par g1 g2 → A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 -{φ}→ h →
A ⊨ g1 -{φ}→ h ∧ A ⊨ g2 -{φ}→ h.
(h : graph X lbl) φ A :
good_for_par g1 g2 → A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 -{φ}→ h →
A ⊨ g1 -{φ}→ h ∧ A ⊨ g2 -{φ}→ h.
Conversely, if φ is a morphism from both g1 and g2 to h,
then it is a morphism from the parallel product of g1 and g2
to h.
Lemma par_morphism_graph_union_right {X} (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl)
(h : graph X lbl) φ A :
good_for_par g1 g2 → A ⊨ g1 -{φ}→ h → A ⊨ g2 -{φ}→ h →
A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 -{φ}→ h.
(h : graph X lbl) φ A :
good_for_par g1 g2 → A ⊨ g1 -{φ}→ h → A ⊨ g2 -{φ}→ h →
A ⊨ g1 ⋄ g2 -{φ}→ h.
If g and h are good and there is a path from i to k in
their parallel product, then there this path can be found either in
g or in h.
Lemma path_par_union (g h: graph vert lbl) i k :
good_for_par g h → good g → good h → i -[g ⋄ h]→ k →
i -[g]→ k ∨ i -[h]→ k.
good_for_par g h → good g → good h → i -[g ⋄ h]→ k →
i -[g]→ k ∨ i -[h]→ k.
If g1 and g2 are good, and there is a path inside their
parallel product from i, a node from g1, to k, a node from
g2, then either i is the input of the graph, or k is its
Lemma path_par_union_cross
(g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) i k :
good_for_par g1 g2 → good g1 → good g2 →
i ∈ ⌊g1⌋ → k ∈ ⌊g2⌋ →
i -[g1⋄g2]→ k → i = input (g1⋄g2) ∨ k = output (g1⋄g2).
(g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) i k :
good_for_par g1 g2 → good g1 → good g2 →
i ∈ ⌊g1⌋ → k ∈ ⌊g2⌋ →
i -[g1⋄g2]→ k → i = input (g1⋄g2) ∨ k = output (g1⋄g2).
In the next two lemma, we show that a path in a parallel product
whose two ends belong to the same component can be lifted to that
Lemma path_par_union_left (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) i k :
good_for_par g1 g2 → good g1 → good g2 →
i ∈ ⌊g1⌋ → k ∈ ⌊g1⌋ →
i -[g1⋄g2]→ k → i -[g1]→ k.
Lemma path_par_union_right (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) i k :
good_for_par g1 g2 → good g1 → good g2 →
i ∈ ⌊g2⌋ → k ∈ ⌊g2⌋ → i -[g1⋄g2]→ k → i -[g2]→ k.
good_for_par g1 g2 → good g1 → good g2 →
i ∈ ⌊g1⌋ → k ∈ ⌊g1⌋ →
i -[g1⋄g2]→ k → i -[g1]→ k.
Lemma path_par_union_right (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) i k :
good_for_par g1 g2 → good g1 → good g2 →
i ∈ ⌊g2⌋ → k ∈ ⌊g2⌋ → i -[g1⋄g2]→ k → i -[g2]→ k.
For any two graph g1, g2 if there is a path from i to k in
either of the graphs, there is one in g1⋄g2.
If g1 and g2 are good, then a path in their sequential
product exists from i to k exactly if either i and k are
equal, or they are different and one of the following conditions
Lemma path_seq (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) i k :
good_for_seq g1 g2 → good g1 → good g2 →
i -[g1⋄g2]→ k ↔
i = k
∨ (i≠ k ∧
(( i ∈ ⌊g1⌋ ∧ k ∈ ⌊g1⌋ ∧ i -[g1]→ k)
∨ ( i ∈ ⌊g2⌋ ∧ k ∈ ⌊g2⌋ ∧ i -[g2]→ k)
∨ ( i ∈ ⌊g1⌋ ∧ k ∈ ⌊g2⌋))).
good_for_seq g1 g2 → good g1 → good g2 →
i -[g1⋄g2]→ k ↔
i = k
∨ (i≠ k ∧
(( i ∈ ⌊g1⌋ ∧ k ∈ ⌊g1⌋ ∧ i -[g1]→ k)
∨ ( i ∈ ⌊g2⌋ ∧ k ∈ ⌊g2⌋ ∧ i -[g2]→ k)
∨ ( i ∈ ⌊g1⌋ ∧ k ∈ ⌊g2⌋))).
If two graphs are good then their sequential and parallel
compositions are also good.
Lemma good_seq_graph_union (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) :
good_for_seq g1 g2 → good g1 → good g2 → good (g1⋄g2).
Lemma good_par_graph_union (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) :
good_for_par g1 g2 → good g1 → good g2 → good (g1⋄g2).
End dec_g.
Section p.
Variables vert lbl : Set.
Variable V : decidable_set vert.
Variable L : decidable_set lbl.
Context { g : graph vert lbl }.
good_for_seq g1 g2 → good g1 → good g2 → good (g1⋄g2).
Lemma good_par_graph_union (g1 g2 : graph vert lbl) :
good_for_par g1 g2 → good g1 → good g2 → good (g1⋄g2).
End dec_g.
Section p.
Variables vert lbl : Set.
Variable V : decidable_set vert.
Variable L : decidable_set lbl.
Context { g : graph vert lbl }.
Fixpoint ispath l i j :=
match l with
| [] ⇒ i = j
| k::l ⇒ (∃ α, (i,α,k) ∈ (edges g))
∧ ispath l k j
match l with
| [] ⇒ i = j
| k::l ⇒ (∃ α, (i,α,k) ∈ (edges g))
∧ ispath l k j
Hence we can prove that whenever there is a path according to
ispath from i to j, they are related by the path g
We can combine paths by concatenating them.
Definition neighbour i k :=
existsb (fun e ⇒ match e with
| ((x,_),y) ⇒ eqX x i && eqX y k end)
(edges g).
Lemma neighbour_spec i k :
neighbour i k = true ↔ ∃ α, (i,α,k) ∈ (edges g).
existsb (fun e ⇒ match e with
| ((x,_),y) ⇒ eqX x i && eqX y k end)
(edges g).
Lemma neighbour_spec i k :
neighbour i k = true ↔ ∃ α, (i,α,k) ∈ (edges g).
is_pathb is the boolean version of is_path.
Fixpoint ispathb l i j :=
match l with
| [] ⇒ eqX i j
| k::l ⇒ neighbour i k && ispathb l k j
Lemma ispathb_ispath l i j :
ispathb l i j = true ↔ ispath l i j.
match l with
| [] ⇒ eqX i j
| k::l ⇒ neighbour i k && ispathb l k j
Lemma ispathb_ispath l i j :
ispathb l i j = true ↔ ispath l i j.
We can decompose paths using the intermediary vertices.
If l is a path from i to j, then either i doesn't appear
in l, or we can split l into m++i::n such that i doesn't
appear in n and n is a path from i to j.
Lemma path_ispath_short i j l :
ispath l i j →
¬ i ∈ l ∨ ∃ m n, l = m++(i::n) ∧ ¬ i ∈ n ∧ ispath n i j.
ispath l i j →
¬ i ∈ l ∨ ∃ m n, l = m++(i::n) ∧ ¬ i ∈ n ∧ ispath n i j.
Iterating the previous lemma, we can remove every duplicate from
a path. Thus is j is reachable from i, there is a path without
duplication linking them.
A path can only use vertices.
ex_path g i j l n tests whether there is a path of length
smaller or equal to n using elements from l linking i and
Fixpoint ex_path i j l n :=
match n with
| O ⇒ eqX i j
| S n ⇒
eqX i j || existsb (fun k ⇒ neighbour i k && ex_path k j l n) l
Lemma ex_path_spec i j l n :
ex_path i j l n = true ↔
∃ p, ispath p i j ∧ p ⊆ l ∧ length p ≤ n.
match n with
| O ⇒ eqX i j
| S n ⇒
eqX i j || existsb (fun k ⇒ neighbour i k && ex_path k j l n) l
Lemma ex_path_spec i j l n :
ex_path i j l n = true ↔
∃ p, ispath p i j ∧ p ⊆ l ∧ length p ≤ n.
We may now define exists_path, a boolean function
corresponding to the predicate path.
Definition exists_path i j := ex_path i j ⌊g⌋ (length ⌊g⌋).
Notation " i -?→ j " := (exists_path i j) (at level 50).
Lemma exists_path_spec i j :
i -?→ j = true ↔ i → j.
Notation " i -?→ j " := (exists_path i j) (at level 50).
Lemma exists_path_spec i j :
i -?→ j = true ↔ i → j.
The visible set of vertices of g from k is the set of
vertices of g that are either reachable or co-reachable from
This is also the set of vertices of the filtered graph of g
where the source predicate is "is reachable from k" and the target
predicate is "can reach k", granted that g is reachable.
Lemma filter_graph_visible k :
connected g → k ∈ ⌊g⌋ →
⌊filter_graph (fun i ⇒ k -?→ i) (fun j ⇒ j -?→ k) g⌋
≈ visible k.
End p.
Notation " i -[ g ]?→ j " := (exists_path g i j) (at level 80).
connected g → k ∈ ⌊g⌋ →
⌊filter_graph (fun i ⇒ k -?→ i) (fun j ⇒ j -?→ k) g⌋
≈ visible k.
End p.
Notation " i -[ g ]?→ j " := (exists_path g i j) (at level 80).
Section dec_hom.
Variables vert1 vert2 lbl : Set.
Variable V1 : decidable_set vert1.
Variable V2 : decidable_set vert2.
Variable L : decidable_set lbl.
Notation grph A := (graph A lbl).
Variables vert1 vert2 lbl : Set.
Variable V1 : decidable_set vert1.
Variable V2 : decidable_set vert2.
Variable L : decidable_set lbl.
Notation grph A := (graph A lbl).
First, we notice that if φ is a morphism between g and h,
then there must be a morphism ψ that has finite support.
Lemma is_morphism_finite_function A φ
(g : grph vert1) (h : grph vert2):
A ⊨ g -{φ}→ h →
∃ ψ, finite_support ψ ⌊g⌋ ⌊h⌋ (input h) ∧ A ⊨ g -{ψ}→ h.
(g : grph vert1) (h : grph vert2):
A ⊨ g -{φ}→ h →
∃ ψ, finite_support ψ ⌊g⌋ ⌊h⌋ (input h) ∧ A ⊨ g -{ψ}→ h.
Definition internal_map_b φ (g : grph vert1) (h : grph vert2) :=
inclb ( φ ⌊g⌋) ⌊h⌋.
Lemma internal_map_b_spec φ g h :
internal_map_b φ g h = true ↔ internal_map φ g h.
inclb ( φ ⌊g⌋) ⌊h⌋.
Lemma internal_map_b_spec φ g h :
internal_map_b φ g h = true ↔ internal_map φ g h.
Definition is_morphismb A φ (g : grph vert1) (h : grph vert2) :=
(eqX (φ (input g)) (input h))
((eqX (φ (output g)) (output h))
((forallb (fun e ⇒
match e with
| ((i,a),j) ⇒
((inb a A) && (eqX (φ i) (φ j)))
|| (inb ((φ i,a),φ j) (edges h))
(edges g))
&& internal_map_b φ g h)).
Lemma is_morphismb_correct A φ g h :
is_morphismb A φ g h = true ↔ A ⊨ g -{ φ }→ h.
(eqX (φ (input g)) (input h))
((eqX (φ (output g)) (output h))
((forallb (fun e ⇒
match e with
| ((i,a),j) ⇒
((inb a A) && (eqX (φ i) (φ j)))
|| (inb ((φ i,a),φ j) (edges h))
(edges g))
&& internal_map_b φ g h)).
Lemma is_morphismb_correct A φ g h :
is_morphismb A φ g h = true ↔ A ⊨ g -{ φ }→ h.