RIS.equiv_stacks: dynamic properties of the binding transducer.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Export transducer.
Section s.
Context {atom X: Set}{𝐀 : Atom atom} {𝐗 : Alphabet 𝐀 X}.
Require Export transducer.
Section s.
Context {atom X: Set}{𝐀 : Atom atom} {𝐗 : Alphabet 𝐀 X}.
Fixpoint equiv_stacks s1 s2 :=
match s1 with
| [] ⇒ s2 ✓
| (a,b)::s1 ⇒ (s2 ⊨ a ↦ b) ∧ equiv_stacks s1 (s2 ⊖ (a,b))
Infix " == " := equiv_stacks (at level 80).
match s1 with
| [] ⇒ s2 ✓
| (a,b)::s1 ⇒ (s2 ⊨ a ↦ b) ∧ equiv_stacks s1 (s2 ⊖ (a,b))
Infix " == " := equiv_stacks (at level 80).
This relation may easily be translated as a boolean relation.
Fixpoint equiv_stacksb s1 s2 :=
match s1 with
| [] ⇒ prj1 s2 =?= prj2 s2
| (a,b)::s1 ⇒ pairedb s2 a b && equiv_stacksb s1 (s2 ⊖ (a,b))
match s1 with
| [] ⇒ prj1 s2 =?= prj2 s2
| (a,b)::s1 ⇒ pairedb s2 a b && equiv_stacksb s1 (s2 ⊖ (a,b))
equiv_stacksb reflects equiv_stacks.
We will now show that equiv_stacks is an equivalence relation. Reflexivity is straightforward.
Two equivalent stacks validate the same pairs.
If two stacks are equivalent, then either both are accepting or none of them are.
Two accepting stacks are always equivalent.
We may therefore show that == is a symmetric relation.
The operation rmfst is monotonic with respect to ==.
We these facts established we can prove that == is transitive.
Having proved reflexivity, symmetricity and transitivity, we now know that == is indeed an equivalence relation.
cons is monotonic with respect to ==.
If two stacks are equivalent, then their associated image functions are extensionally equivalent.
It follows that two equivalent stacks yield equivalent permutations for any list.
Notation " s1 -- α -->> s2 " := (path (fst α) (snd α) s1 s2) (at level 80).
Notation " s1 -- α ---> s2 " := (step s1 (fst α) (snd α) s2) (at level 80).
As will be shown later on, the pair of words w1 s,w2 s characterises the stack s.
Definition w1 (s : stack) : word := map close (prj1 s).
Definition w2 (s : stack) : word := map close (prj2 s).
Definition 𝐰 (s : stack) := (w1 s,w2 s).
Definition w2 (s : stack) : word := map close (prj2 s).
Definition 𝐰 (s : stack) := (w1 s,w2 s).
We define bissimilarity of stacks by coinduction, saying that s1∼s2 holds if for every pair of letters l1,l2, if s1 can perform one transition labelled with l1|l2 to s3 then s2 can can follow a transition with the same label to reach s4 with s3∼s4, and conversely.
Reserved Notation " s1 ∼ s2 " (at level 80).
CoInductive bissimilar : relation stack :=
| prog s1 s2 :
(∀ α, (∀ s3, s1 -- α ---> s3 → ∃ s4, s2 --α---> s4 ∧ s3 ∼ s4)
∧ (∀ s4, s2 --α---> s4 → ∃ s3, s1 --α---> s3 ∧ s3 ∼ s4))
→ s1 ∼ s2
where " s1 ∼ s2 " := (bissimilar s1 s2).
CoInductive bissimilar : relation stack :=
| prog s1 s2 :
(∀ α, (∀ s3, s1 -- α ---> s3 → ∃ s4, s2 --α---> s4 ∧ s3 ∼ s4)
∧ (∀ s4, s2 --α---> s4 → ∃ s3, s1 --α---> s3 ∧ s3 ∼ s4))
→ s1 ∼ s2
where " s1 ∼ s2 " := (bissimilar s1 s2).
Similarity is defined analogously.
Reserved Notation " s1 ≺ s2 " (at level 80).
CoInductive similar : relation stack :=
| prog2 s1 s2 :
(∀ α, (∀ s3, s1 --α---> s3 → ∃ s4, s2 --α---> s4 ∧ s3 ≺ s4))
→ s1 ≺ s2
where " s1 ≺ s2 " := (similar s1 s2).
CoInductive similar : relation stack :=
| prog2 s1 s2 :
(∀ α, (∀ s3, s1 --α---> s3 → ∃ s4, s2 --α---> s4 ∧ s3 ≺ s4))
→ s1 ≺ s2
where " s1 ≺ s2 " := (similar s1 s2).
We consider here languages to be sets of pairs of words, i.e. predicates over words×words.
Two languages are equivalent if they contain the same words.
The language L is smaller that the language M if every word in L belongs to M.
The semantics of a stack s is the set of pairs u,v such that there is a path from s to some accepting stack labelled with u,v.
Definition semantics s : lang := fun σ ⇒ (∃ s', s' ✓ ∧ s --σ-->> s').
Notation " ⟦ s ⟧ " := (semantics s).
Notation " ⟦ s ⟧ " := (semantics s).
Global Instance equiv_stacks_δt :
Proper (equiv_stacks ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> equiv_stacks) δt.
Proper (equiv_stacks ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> equiv_stacks) δt.
If s==s', then u,v is compatible with s if and only if s' is.
Global Instance equiv_stacks_compatible :
Proper (equiv_stacks ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq) compatible.
Proper (equiv_stacks ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq) compatible.
If w1 s1,w2 s1 is in the semantics of s2, then s1==s2.
Although we have defined bissimilarity in terms of transitions, it may be naturally extended to paths.
In fact s1 is bissimilar to s2 exactly when for every pair of words u,v, there is a path labelled with u|v from s1 if and only if there is one from s2.
Bissimilar stacks are equivalent with respect to acceptance.
Static equivalence implies bissimilarity.
If s1 and s2 are bissimilar, then the semantics of s2 contains w1 s1,w2 s2.
Similarity implies static equivalence.
Semantic equivalence implies semantic inclusion.
Semantic inclusion of s1 in s2 implies that w1 s1,w2 s1 is in the semantics of s2.