Library atoms
We require Atom to be decidable, by a boolean function.
The following trivial lemmas will be usefull in the rest of the proofs to simplify statements.
Lemma beq_atom_spec : ∀ a b, beq_atom a b = true ↔ a = b.
Lemma Atom_eq_dec : ∀ x y : Atom, {x = y} + {x ≠ y}.
Lemma beq_eq_atom a : beq_atom a a = true.
Lemma beq_neq_atom1 a b : a ≠ b → beq_atom a b = false.
Lemma beq_neq_atom a b : a ≠ b ↔ beq_atom a b = false.
Simplification of if then else statements.
Lemma if_Atom_eq_dec_eq {A} : ∀ a1 a2 (b c : A),
a1 = a2 → (if Atom_eq_dec a1 a2 then b else c) = b.
Lemma if_Atom_eq_dec_neq {A} : ∀ a1 a2 (b c : A),
a1≠a2 → (if Atom_eq_dec a1 a2 then b else c) = c.
a1 = a2 → (if Atom_eq_dec a1 a2 then b else c) = b.
Lemma if_Atom_eq_dec_neq {A} : ∀ a1 a2 (b c : A),
a1≠a2 → (if Atom_eq_dec a1 a2 then b else c) = c.
Boolean equality predicate over lists.
Fixpoint beq_list l m :=
match (l,m) with
| ([],[]) ⇒ true
| (a::l,b::m) ⇒ (beq_atom a b)&&(beq_list l m)
| _ ⇒ false
Lemma beq_list_spec l m : reflect (l=m) (beq_list l m).
match (l,m) with
| ([],[]) ⇒ true
| (a::l,b::m) ⇒ (beq_atom a b)&&(beq_list l m)
| _ ⇒ false
Lemma beq_list_spec l m : reflect (l=m) (beq_list l m).
Boolean In predicate
Definition inb a l := (existsb (fun y ⇒ beq_atom y a) l).
Lemma inb_spec x l : reflect (In x l) (inb x l).
Lemma in_double_neg : ∀ (x : Atom) l, ~~In x l → In x l.
Boolean equality predicate over permutations.
Fixpoint beq_perm l m :=
match (l,m) with
| ([],[]) ⇒ true
| ((a,a')::l,(b,b')::m) ⇒
(beq_atom a b)&&(beq_atom a' b')&&(beq_perm l m)
| _ ⇒ false
Lemma beq_perm_spec l m : reflect (l=m) (beq_perm l m).
act p a computes the effect of the permutation p on the atom a.
Definition act (p : perm) a :=
fold_right (fun t a ⇒
match t with
| (x,y) ⇒ if beq_atom a x
then y
else if beq_atom a y
then x
else a
a p.
Notation "p ⋈ x" := (act p x) (at level 20).
The effect of the empty permutation is the identity.
List concatenation corresponds to functionnal composition of permutations.
The inverse of a permutation is computed by reversing the list.
The inverse is an involutive operation.
Application of the inverse of a permutation is the functionnal left inverse of the application of the same permutation.
Application of the inverse of a permutation is the functionnal right inverse of the application of the same permutation.
The inverse of a composite permutation is the reverse composition of the inverses of its parts.
Permutations are injective.
Permutations are bijective.
Two permutations p and q are considered equivalent when the functions p⋈_ and q⋈_ are extensionnally equal.
Definition equiv_perm p q := ∀ a, p ⋈ a = q ⋈ a.
Notation " p ≌ q " := (equiv_perm p q) (at level 60).
The relation ≌ is an equivalence relation.
Lemma equiv_perm_refl p : p ≌ p.
Lemma equiv_perm_sym p q : p ≌ q → q ≌ p.
Lemma equiv_perm_trans p q r : p ≌ q → q ≌ r → p ≌ r.
Global Instance equiv_perm_Equivalence : Equivalence equiv_perm.
If p≌q then p⋆≌q⋆.
If p≌q and p'≌q' then p++p'≌q++q'.
Global Instance equiv_perm_app :
Proper (equiv_perm ==> equiv_perm ==> equiv_perm)
(@app (Atom×Atom)%type).
Paraphrasing of the definition of ≌.
For every atom a, the permutations [a,a] and [] are equivalent.
For every permutation p, p⋆++p and p++p⋆ are also equivalent to [].