Library normalise

Strange stuff

Fixpoint can_var (n : nat) : list Atom :=
  match n with
  | O[]
  | S nget_new (can_var n)::(can_var n)
Lemma can_var_NoDup: n, NoDup (can_var n).
Lemma can_var_length : n, length (can_var n) = n.

Definition conv_lst_perm : list Atom perm :=
  fun ltransfer_perm (can_var (length l)) l.
Lemma conv_lst : l, NoDup l
                           conv_lst_perm l (can_var (length l)) = l.
Lemma conv_can_var : n, conv_lst_perm (can_var n) nil.

Lemma conv_lst_inv l :
  NoDup l (conv_lst_perm l)⋆ l = (can_var (length l)).

Inductive eq_perm_fresh : relation expr :=
| eq_θ_fresh p q e : ( a, pa qa a # e)
                     eq_perm_fresh ( p e) ( q e)
| eq_θ_fr_nil e : eq_perm_fresh ([]e) e
| eq_θ_fr_id : (A B : list Atom) (p : perm),
    B p A eq_perm_fresh ( p id A) (id B).

Fixpoint convert e :=
  match e with
  | vat aconv_lst_perm [a] ((conv_lst_perm [a])⋆ vat a)
  | var xconv_lst_perm (τ x) ((conv_lst_perm (τ x))⋆ var x)
  | ν a eν a (convert e)
  | ω a eω a (convert e)
  | e + fconvert e + convert f
  | e · fconvert e · convert f
  | e^*convert e^*
  | p e p convert e
  | _e
Lemma convert_involutive e :
  eq_perm_fresh convert (convert e) (convert e).

Lemma convert_eq_perm e :
  eq_perm_elim eq_perm e convert e.

Lemma convert_untyped e : untyped e untyped (convert e).
Lemma convert_str_positive e :
  str_positive e str_positive (convert e).
Lemma convert_single e : single e single (convert e).
Lemma convert_multi e : multi e multi (convert e).

Definition NKA_nice :=

Lemma convert_fresh a e : a # e a # convert e.

Lemma untyped_NKA_nice e f :
  NKA_nice e f untyped e untyped f.
Lemma str_positive_NKA_nice e f :
  NKA_nice e f str_positive e str_positive f.

Lemma NKA_nice_stronger_NKA_θp e f : str_positive e untyped e
                       str_positive f untyped f
                       NKA_nice e f NKA_θp e f.
Lemma equiv_lst_length_undup l m: lm length l = length m.
Lemma mact_eq_act_eq p1 p2 l:
  p1 l = p2 l x,In x l p1 x = p2 x.
Lemma eq_perm_elim_convert e f:
  eq_perm_elim e f NKA_nice convert e convert f.

Lemma convert_eq e f : str_positive e untyped e
                       str_positive f untyped f
                       NKA_θp e f NKA_nice convert e convert f.

Fixpoint nice e : Prop :=
  match e with
  | 0 | 1 | _ | id _True
  | var lτ l = can_var (length (τ l))
  | vat a[a] = can_var 1
  | e + f | e · fnice e nice f
  | e^* | ν _ e | ω _ e | _ enice e
Lemma nice_convert e : nice (convert e).

Lemma nice_NKA_nice e f : NKA_nice e f nice e nice f.
Lemma nice_eq ax : Proper (ax ==> iff) nice
                   Proper (eq ax ==> iff) nice.
Lemma nice_convert_eq e : nice e eq_perm_fresh convert e e.
Lemma convert_eq2 e f : str_positive e untyped e nice e
                        str_positive f untyped f nice f
                       NKA_nice convert e convert f NKA_nice e f.

Definition Nice := (nice single str_positive untyped,NKA_nice).

Lemma convert_morph : convert ((fst NKAspu)^2,snd NKAspu) ((fst Nice)^2,snd Nice).
Lemma id_morph : (fun xx) ((fst Nice)^2,snd Nice) ((fst NKAspu)^2,snd NKAspu) .

Lemma NKAspu_Nice : NKAspu Nice.
Lemma Nice_NKAspu : Nice NKAspu.